



Taman Sari guest house which was then known as Taman Sari Palace is located west of Yogyakarta Palace was built during the reign of Sultan Hamengku Buwana I and completed in the reign of Sultan Hamengku Buwana II. However, the location of Taman Sari Pesanggrahan as a bathing place has been known long before. In the reign of the location of Taman Sari Panembahan Senapati is now better known as Bannerman (springs) Pacethokan. Bannerman was once famous for its large discharge and clear water. Pacethokan has become one of the important considerations for determining the location of the candidate Sultan Palace.

Taman Sari rest house was built after Giyanti Agreement (1755), ie, after the Sultan Hamengku Buwana long involved in disputes and war. The building was intended as a building that can be used to meneteramkan heart, rest and recreation. However, the Taman Sari was also prepared as a means / fort to deal with dangerous situations. In addition, the building is also used for religious facilities. Therefore Peanggrahan Taman Sari is also equipped with a mosque, to be precise in building the Well Gumuling.

Taman Sari name consists of two words, namely parks 'garden planted with flowers' pollen and 'beautiful flower'. Thus, the name of Taman Sari is meant as a name of a park complex that is really wonderful or beautiful.

Two Stories About the Development Version Pesanggrahan Taman Sari

    The first version

In the first version is told that in Mancingan (an area on the south coast of Yogyakarta) there is a freak of an unknown origin. Communities in the area are many who suspect that the person including jinn or forest-dwelling countrymen. People assume that because people are using language not understood by local people. Strange people are then faced with the Sultan Hamengku Buwana II who was then still ruled. Sultan Hamengku Buwana II apparently willing to take that person as a servant. After some time the person can speak Javanese. Based on his testimony he claimed to be Portuguese in the Portuguese dialect of Javanese is often called. The Portuguese were then used as the man who headed the creation of buildings (architect).

Sultan Hamengku Buwana II ordered the person to make a fort. Sultan Hamengku Buwana II apparently very pleased over his handiwork. The person is then given a position as village headman, that person was known as Portuguese or Demat Tegis Demat. Demat Tegis is supposedly ordered to build the Taman Sari Pesanggrahan. Hence also the building Pesanggrahan Taman Sari shows the art of building elements originating from Europe (Portugal).

    Both versions of

According to the second version is told that at a time when a regent who was named Madison raden Rangga Prawirasentika, which has been widely credited to the Sultan Hamengku Buwana I pleaded with him to be freed from paying the local taxes that had been done twice a year. Regent Madison agreed only if there are special requests Sultan Hemngku Buwana I for completeness and grandeur of the palace decoration. Sultan Hamengku Buwana I was granted it.

By Sultan Hamengku Regent Madison Buwana I was ordered to make Sekaten as a complement of gamelan gamelan Sekaten from Surakarta. The gamelan originally amounted to one pair, but because palihan Nagari (1755) divided the orchestra. One for the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Surakarta one for Kasunanan. In addition, the Sultan Hamengku Buwana I also ordered the Regent Madison to be made jempana 'litter' as a bride vehicle Sultan Hamengku Buwana I.

In 1684 Raden Rangga Prawirasentika told to make bricks and kelengakapannya in preparation for building a indahsebagai gardening means to reassure the Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. Sultan wants it so having just completed a heavy duty (war) which lasted long enough. The exit command is marked with the Sultan Hamengku Buwana sengkalan Memet that reads Rasa Dragon Chess Singles (1684).

For the manufacture of landscaping / guesthouse on the Sultan's favor Hemngku Buwana I are headed by Prince Charming Mangundipura and led by KPH Natakusuma, which later became K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam I (son of the Sultan with his wife concubine named Raden Ayu Bendara Srenggara). Place-making contest and building culvert 'chute' that led to the palace which is often called the Cave Demon conducted in 1687 and marked with the moon sengkala Pujining Ngobahake Pajungutan Brahmana (1687). While the construction of gates and the wall was completed in 1691.

Completion of the manufacture of Taman Sari bangungan Pesanggrahan Memet sengkalan marked relief in the form of flowering trees and honey are being exploited by the birds. Memet sengkalan reads Lajering Sinesep Peksi Flower (1691).

In this second version is told that Raden Rangga Prawirasentika unable to complete the manufacture of garden buildings Pesanggrahan Sari. He stated that the building is actually considered more costly than the submission of tax twice a year that had been done. By karenaya belilau please stop at the Sultan and allowed. Sultan then ordered K.P.H. Natakusuma to have completed the building on the costs to the Sultan himself.

Taman Sari Pesanggrahan development is kono lot of labor involved is not only coming from around Yogyakarta, but also of Madison, Kedu, Jipang, and so forth.

Taman Sari building has 36 pieces of important buildings and functions with different names. For more information you can contact


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